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Dr Dan Steinbock is an recognized expert of the multipolar world. He focuses on international business, international relations, investment and risk among the leading advanced and large emerging economies. 


He is a Senior ASLA-Fulbright Scholar (New York University and Columbia Business School).

THE FALL OF ISRAEL available now

Available now!! THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military by Dr. Dan Steinbock “Israel is in deep trouble at home and abroad. It has become an apartheid state that is executing a genocide in Gaza. The Fall of Israel does an outstanding job explaining the causes and the evolution of the disastrous path that Israel is on. This book deserves to be widely read.”—JOHN MEARSHEIMER, Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago (click the image for the book)

German Translation of THE FALL OF ISRAEL

Steinbock, Dan. Der Untergang Israels: Die Degradierung von Israels Politik, Wirtschaft und Militär Translated by Jochen Mitschka. Dec. 10. 2024 [Click the image for the website]

Available now!! THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military by Dr.
Available now!! THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military by Dr.
Available now!! THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military by Dr.
Available now!! THE FALL OF ISRAEL: The Degradation of Israel's Politics, Economy & Military by Dr.

"Apparently, not many Americans want to know these truths -- they're too nuanced, complex, and damning; but if you happen to be in that group of us who believe strongly in the rule of law -- U.S. domestic law and international humanitarian and criminal law in particular -- and in democracy, then you need to read this book. When you finish, I hope you will understand that our current national path leads us straight to hell. "

Col. Wilkerson on THE FALL OF ISRAEL

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former State Dept Chief of Staff to Gen. Colin Powell, talks about Dr Steinbock's THE FALL OF ISRAEL in Judge Napolitano's "Judging Freedom." (Click the image for the podcast, segment starts at 4.14)

Exclusive Interview:  Dr Steinbock and THE FALL OF ISRAEL

The Paper, Oct 13, 2024. Dr Steinbock's interview by Yuehan Huang of The Paper ((澎湃). The interview focused on Dr Steinbock's "The Fall of Israel" and his projections on the likely Israel-Iran scenarios. The Paper, based in Shanghai, is one of the most influential and highly-regarded Chinese digital dailies. (For the story, click the image.)

What makes The Fall of Israel unique is its comprehensive scope.

It covers Israel’s political, economic, social and military changes, the shifts in the Palestinian struggle for sovereignty, apartheid rule in the occupied territories, the attendant atrocities, the regional and global reverberations.

For a copy, click here.
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